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If you need our legal assistance including patent, design and trademark, we wish to provide you with our professional services in all legal and intellectual property field the Republic of Korea. If you would like to receive our most current news letter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
-Patent Court of Korea’s ruling that the applied-for mark "Korea Gold Exchange" is an indistinctive mark (2022 heo 5676)
-The revisions to the Intellectual Property Laws allow third-party participation and correction by ex officio in the trial procedure (the revised laws that will come into effect on March 15, 2024)
-Legal Principles of the Patent Court’s Decision on Employer’s Profits in Determining Employee Invention Compensation (Case No. 2021 Nah 1664)
-Whether Providing Products Labeled with Another’s Trademark Constitutes Trademark Violation (Supreme Court Decision No. 2021Do2180, rendered on March 17, 2022 [Violation of the Trademark Act • Occupational Breach of Trust])
-Judgment on the Identity of the Goods in a Trial for Cancellation of Registered Trademark Not in Use
-Determination of the identity between inventions when extended first-to-file requirement under the Korean Patent Law is applied (Decision 2017 Hu 2369)
-Whether information published after application is considered when determining easiness of substituting elements in equivalent infringement (Supreme Court Decision in Case No. 2022Hu10210 dated February 2, 2023)
-Introduction of Additional Fees for Divisional Patent Applications (Amendment Act Effective from August 1, 2023)
-The judgment that the applied-for mark ‘natura B&C’ is not similar to the pre-registered trademark ‘Natura’ (Patent Court 2022Heo 2745)
-Supreme Court case providing guidelines on determining whether the inventiveness of a numerical limitation invention is denied based on the cited prior art reference. (Decision in Case No. 2019Hu12094)